Friday, May 7, 2010

Lets get to know each other

So why Fridays?
This is why Fridays, it's my day off.  All the time... every week.... Fridays are the day that I kick ass and add more cool crap to my life quota. 

So what exactlly do I consider cool crap? Lets dive into the time vault and pull up a few examples for those of you that have never spent one on one time with me and my collections of awesomeness.....


This amazing piece of clothing is one of my finds that I am most proud of. It's hard for me to Im sure it is for you also.... that a person would no longer want this in their life. I pitty the life that they might be living now.

I was begged by my loving dog for professional shots in her favorite wig. I think it's a little over the top but she insisted. Ive never seen a dog look that good in a mullet.

Seattle, home of my friend Kyle, my favorite bar Shortys, big ass trees, fancy city life, wonderful camping....and this famous troll. Who loves to party under bridges and get crunk off of PBR 40's.

I feel so close to all you now. It's a magical feeling. Tell me you don't feel at least a smidgen cooler by looking at all this crap...
So now that you have your whistle wet I'll see you back here once a week, where we'll recap cool events, vacations, findings and other crap....
read on cool crap readers, read on

1 comment:

  1. that IS cool crap. Branch and I went to this vintage store in Dallas and the whole time we were there we kept saying "Phyllis would love this!" It was cool crap!
